Friday, May 9, 2008

Lazy Day

Between the two of us, Helen and I might have moved a total of 1000 feet today. Most of my total comes from going up the three flights of stairs to do laundry, and Helen's from going to a canteen (dining hall) for dinner.

Today's accomplishments are
- much progress on entrepreneurship conference planning
- demolishing half a box of milk biscuits
- watching 4 hours of Korean drama
- laundry

Entrepreneurship Conference
As mentioned in previous posts, we are planning a conference at the end of May, stated purpose to introduce and inspire local university students to entrepreneurship as a realistic career choice, Silicon Valley-style, perhaps? We initially conceived of the idea about two weeks ago, and at the end of last week we started contacting people. Amazingly it's all coming together. We've confirmed some pretty noteworthy entrepreneurs, VCs, and consultants; booked a nice conference room at Tsinghua University; and secured some sponsorship. I am very excited.

Milk Biscuits
Rozi discovered that the convenience store Wumei sells large boxes of "milk biscuits" that are very satisfying to snack on. Of course, Helen and I followed suit and bought our own box, which was finished extremely quickly... Yesterday night Helen retrieved a half-full box of Anuraag's biscuits and that box is also now empty. Oh dear.

Well, we watched episodes 9-12 of Samsoon. There are 16 episodes total, so I guess we can be proud of finishing 25% of the drama today.

Part of my excuse for not going to the gym today is that my laundry situation was dire - but I successfully did two loads of laundry! Unfortunately I have no drying rack and also not enough hangers so my clothes are dispersed all across my room and the common room and the air is very damp.


DaViD said...

try finding 清泉 students laundry services in Beida... it's 6 bucks per load for drying. Doing laundry here is a pain sometimes... Luckily I found a few around.... there are two in Tsinghua. ^^

DaViD said...

by the way... i clicked ads on your blog... to help you improve your adsense performance a little... mine was okay in April. hope to pick up again in May. I've gotta blog more! ^^